An Amazon Best Teen Book of the Month, May 2013 Spotlight Pick: Forget your E.T. version of sweet, harmless aliens--in The 5th Wave, Rick Yancey imagines a silent invasion that takes extraterrestrial intelligence to a whole new level. Alternating points of view peel back each new layer of the novel while death, separation, and love, push his diverse characters to survive in a terrifying new world. As a storyteller, Yancey is as cunning as his aliens, weaving the characters lives together in unexpected ways. After the first couple of chapters I found myself sucked wholeheartedly into the story, wondering who can be trusted and what chilling new twist is lurking around the corner. Over six million social media fans cant be wrong: Miranda Sings is one of the funniest faces on YouTube. As a bumbling, ironically talentless, self-absorbed personality (a young Gilda Radner, if you will), she offers up a vlog of helpful advice every week on her widely popular YouTube channel. For the first time ever, Miranda is putting her advice to paper in this easy-to-follow guide, illustrated by Miranda herself. In it, youll find instructions on everything: how to get a boyfriend (wear all black and carry a fishing net), to dressing for a date (sequins and an orange tutu), to performing magic , and much, much more! Miranda-isms abound in these self-declared lifesaving pages, and if you dont like it...well, as Miranda would say...Haters, back off!
Personal Ratings
9.5/10 11/10